
Elevatescape is an online initiative to help you ace your interview, enhance your industry knowledge
& learn essential skills that are not developed in colleges.
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In your educational life, there are many things that are overlooked in your development. These are skills that are not focused on while you study. Skills such as leadership, marketing, conflict resolution, social development, execution of task, etc. These are the skills that a company looks for. These skills are what a candidate lacks while giving an interview.

Around 90% of candidates fail because they do not make an impact and radiate this skill. We at ELEVATESCAPE are a group of highly qualified individuals who are dedicated to provide you with these resources and skills for you to make an impact in your job interview and professional life.

A Career Support and Resources Initiative backed by a renowned Educational Group in India, the ELEVATESCAPE Team are Educationist and are Experts from the fields of Education and HR, besides a team of Technology, Psychology and Life Skills Coaches with Advisory Support from Executive Leadership belonging to leading Industrial bodies, leading MNCs, Public Sector Organizations, Universities and Career Leaders who share experience, trust and commitment to help students advance.


At ElevateScape we strive to make individual employable based upon clear understanding of career development process, providing up to date skill training that make them stand out in the crowded job market.


We are committed to assist students & professionals, to provide career-related counseling, resources, and programs to gain employment & attain a successful career. We build relationships with students, professionals, employers & create strategic partnerships with the industry.